A “no-sugar coating”

Tallyson Neves is a personal trainer and nutrition coach based in Toronto, Canada. His journey into fitness was a result of various phases in his life, ranging from eating disorders to bullying and training for sports.

However, after many years the health and fitness lifestyle began to lose its luster and that’s when Tallyson discovered powerlifting, which reinvigorated his passion for exercise. A long his journey he’s explored other areas, such as Olympic weightlifting and competitive bodybuilding.

Tallyson is a fitness enthusiast who is always looking for ways to expand his knowledge and expertise in the field of health and wellness. He firmly believes that having an open mind and constantly learning new things is essential for growth and success, and he hopes to better serve his clients by applying his expanded knowledge to their individual needs.

With his experience coaching a diverse range of clients, Tallyson offers personal and online coaching services to help people achieve their health and nutrition goals. Whether you’re a general population client or a competitive strength and physique athlete, Tallyson is dedicated to helping you reach your goals and more.

Life changing results, while being educated along the way


If you are already enrolled in an online coaching program with me an additional 10% can be discounted off personal training sessions, whichever package you decide to purchase.


Referral Program

Refer a friend and get 20% off your next purchase if they commit to a package.



$ 110 Tax Included
  • - 1 Hour for 1 on 1 Training
  • - Nutritional Advice
  • - Training Program
  • - No Gym Membership Required
  • - Discount on First Health Apparel (online and in-store)
  • - Gym Entrance Fee Included


$ 570 Tax Included
  • - 1 Hour for 1 on 1 Training
  • - Nutritional Advice
  • - Training Program
  • - No Gym Membership Required
  • - Discount on First Health Apparel (online and in-store)
  • - Gym Entrance Fee Included


$ 1080 Tax Included
  • - 1 Hour for 1 on 1 Training
  • - Nutritional Advice
  • - Training Program
  • - No Gym Membership Required
  • - Discount on First Health Apparel (online and in-store)
  • - Gym Entrance Fee Included


$ 1600 Tax Included
  • - 1 Hour for 1 on 1 Training
  • - Nutritional Advice
  • - Training Program
  • - No Gym Membership Required
  • - Discount on First Health Apparel (online and in-store)
  • - Gym Entrance Fee Included



$ 200 Tax Included
  • - Full Customized Meal Plan
  • - Full Customized Training and Meal Plan
  • - Full Suplement Protocol
  • - 24/7 Text Message Support
  • - Supporting Documents
  • - Week to Week Plan Adjustments


$ 500 Tax Included
  • - Full Customized Meal Plan
  • - Full Customized Training and Meal Plan
  • - Full Suplement Protocol
  • - 24/7 Text Message Support
  • - Supporting Documents
  • - Week to Week Plan Adjustments


$ 900 Tax Included
  • - Full Customized Meal Plan
  • - Full Customized Training and Meal Plan
  • - Full Suplement Protocol
  • - 24/7 Text Message Support
  • - Supporting Documents
  • - Week to Week Plan Adjustments


“I’ve been training with Tally for almost two years. I can only say good things. It’s never been about the money for him, his main focus is always on his clients and their development. If you are a person, that wants to work out, have a diet set up for you and one on one personal training he is the man! I 100% recommend Tally! The only person that can truly bring you the results you want and quick!”

Junior Botelho

"I was fortunate to have Tally as my personal nutrition coach and trainer for nearly two years. Under his guidance, I made significant progress and learned valuable lessons about training and nutrition. However, his greatest strength was keeping me accountable and motivated. I highly recommend Tally to anyone who is dedicated to achieving their fitness goals, as he will provide the necessary support and expertise."

Justin Koscak

“Em 2019 contratei o Tally para me ajudar a entrar em forma, havia passado por uma cirurgia de bypass gástrico que resultou na perda de grande parte da minha massa muscular, ele me ajudou a aprender como treinar corretamente, como comer de acordo com meus objetivos e limitações devido à minha cirurgia. Ele é muito competente e regido no seu treinamento, sem folga, o que é ótimo, rsrs. eu super recomendo ele!”

Thais Ferreira

“Treinar com o Tally fez com que eu gostasse de frequentar a academia. Ele é um excelente profissional e te ensina a gostar de malhar. Além de estar sempre disposto a te ajudar a alcançar seus objetivos. É um profissional que está sempre pronto, independente da hora do dia, ele está sempre bem para te ajudar a ter disposição e ânimo para realizar o treino. A academia deixou de ser uma obrigação e passou a ser um prazer”

Huilian Pisky

“I’m so grateful for the work Tally has done with me! I’ve always had my doubts with trainers but his professionalism won me over. You can see his dedication with his client in and outside each training session, by checking in throughout the week asking me how I’m feeling, how my training is going, what my weight is that day. I am loving the process and my body is undergoing many changes! I trust him and can’t wait for whats to come the longer we are together. He’s the best coach I’ve ever had! Thank you so much!”


“Como sou um cara preguicoso kkk, todo ano a partir de marco faco consultoria com tallys para chegar no verao com um shape top, faco a partir de marco porque sei que com a consultoria dele e com minha forca de vontade o shape vem hahahah. Agradeco desde ja e marco esta chegando.”

Guilherme Ferreira

“Eu faço acompanhamento com o Tallyson tem 3 anos. E eu sou muito grata por tudo que aprendi em relação a reeducar minha alimentação e em aprender a fazer exercícios. O Tallyson me fez acreditar que não é apenas sobre o “shape” que temos e sim o lifestyle que seguimos, a confiança que sentimos em nós mesmo e a melhor parte é em conhecer nossos limites e superar desafios. Nesses três anos minha mudança física foi surreal, eu pesava 129lbs no começo do acompanhamento, hoje estou com 145lbs de massa muscular. Hoje eu posso dizer que sou “FITNESS” não só pelo shape, eu aprendi a gostar dos desafios e as boas mudanças. O Tallyson é um coach excelente e excepcional na minha vida e estilo de vida que escolhi ter. O Tallyson, continue mudando vidas e amando o que vc faz”

Ingrid Carvalho

“Meu nome é Felipe Alarcão, comecei a trabalhar com o Tallyson em maio de 2022 com o intuito de melhorar minha aparência física e força muscular, nessa época estava pesando 72 kg, em um período de 6 meses de trabalho pesado conseguimos mudar meu corpo completamente, o meu peso atual é de 78 kilos. O Tallyson é um profissional muito dedicado e atencioso as necessidades dos seus clientes, já trabalhei com outros profissionais da área anteriormente porém nunca tive um resultado tão visível com uma dieta balanceada quanto eu tenho agora

Felipe Alarcao

“Coach tally and I worked together for a span of 8 months, and I lost almost 50 lbs, with the accountability and weekly check ins it made it easy to follow. He is strict and makes sure you check in but for your own good that you don’t destroy your progress and keep going forward in the right direction!”

Billy Buhler

“Excelente profissional, que conduz seus clientes com maestria em tudo que faz. Super atencioso, Tallyson está sempre em contato comigo, me motivando quando preciso, mostrando caminhos alternativos seja na dieta ou no treino, ajustando quaisquer coisas que venham a se desalinhar no meio do percurso, extremamente dedicado ao seu trabalho e sempre disponível para tirar qualquer dúvida. Tallyson trouxe minha autoestima de volta, trouxe resultados que nunca imaginei na minha vida que fosse conseguir, e tudo isso de uma forma que só me motiva cada vez mais a ir em busca dos meus objetivos. Tenho certeza que tenho o acompanhamento do melhor profissional da aérea em Toronto, e que sem sombra de dúvidas vale cada centavo investido”

Bruna Schmidt

“Eu realmente gosto de treinar com Tallyson Ele traz um tom de conhecimento e profissionalismo a cada treino e me incentiva todos os dias a alcançar os melhores resultados possíveis no meu condicionamento fora de temporada, para ajudar a levar meu jogo ao próximo nível! Como treinador, ele está em constante evolução e está à frente para colocar seus clientes na melhor forma física! Voce nao vai encontrar nada melhor do que o Tallyson!!!! Resultado Garantido, eu sou a prova disso”

Bruno Dias

“I have been coached by Tallyson for about 3 years now I started using his service when first Covid started in a odd time back then he was able to help me improve my goals with a balanced diet and a good exercise plan. I am amazed how much I was able to improve my results and my knowledge following his instructions. 100% recommend his services!”

Paulo Sa

“With Tally’s coaching, I achieved my goal of losing weight, which I have struggled with for years. When we started working together, I was 100.40kg; 12 months later, I achieved 85kg, with more lean mass and less body fat. I’ve had many nutritionists before, and I can say that Tally’s dieting techniques are much more efficient that any of them. I’ve been with him since March 2021 and recommend 100%.”

Felipe D’Angelo

“The best part about tallyson is that he knows exactly how to motivate me, he makes sure each of my routine is challenging but rewarding. I would have no hesitation in recommending him as your personal trainer if you want to achieve your fitness and health goals. Not having an active workout schedule in the past was holding me back, tallyson has been a great PT in supporting my training objectives. He is outcome focused, and I have been able to see continual improvement from my workouts,which are run in a relaxed yet supportive environment, so that I can stay focused and motivated in keeping a consistent pace on my goals. He’s exceptionally knowledgeable and experienced on and off the gym floor. Thank you for all your help and guidance Tally!”

Kevin Oliveira

Tally was the last coach I ever needed; this is a good thing. I learned how to eat to fuel my workouts and how to look good. If you think you just need a trainer in the gym, think again. You need a diet coach like Tally to teach you about macros and how to eat to grow, sustain, or cut weight. I spent 2 years learning from him. Flash forward 7 years, I am in the best shape of my life, hitting PRs, and feel confident to wear speedos to the pool. He knows how to listen to his clients, provides attention to details, and makes you believe in his approach through definitive actions in addressing your diet week to week. It’s one thing to listen to you coach, and another to believe in what they do. If you follow his advice, you won’t be steered wrong

Philip Fuentas

I successfully dieted with Tallyson for an entire year, going from roughly ~230 down to ~185. It was a slow and steady process, and not once did I ever feel that I was starving or really stretching myself thin. Tallyson was straight and to the point and gave me all the right details, tools and plan to get me to my goal. His no BS attitude and structure was just what i needed to get the job done. He is extremely knowledgeable and efficient in his approach and won't sugar coat anything, a straight shooter with a long list of successful weight loss clients.

Nicholas Witczak

I first met Tally back in the teen years and always admired his discipline, physique and approach to the fitness industry. After Following his work and progress for over a decade, I saw there were serious results in every project and every client. I’v been in and out of the gym for over 15 years now with realistically no major results. In the summer of 2022, I decided that i wanted to take a different approach and really change my diet and physique. I reached out to him and started his custom diet and fitness plan. With his weekly check-ins, I was able monitor my progress and growth. Long story short, what took me 12 years took him 12 weeks to achieve!!! Stop thinking you know how to do it yourself! Hire a Pro!

Thiago Santos

Tally was the first nutrition coach I've worked with. The results we achieved were amazing. As a business owner and trainer myself, he was always able to adapt to my goals and lifestyle. He truly lives and breathes training and nutrition the right way - being educated, disciplined, but still living your life. Tally is an excellent coach and I highly recommend him whether you're trying to get shredded, bulk up, or just learn about nutrition the right way. You won't be disappointed by his commitment, knowledge, and accountability

Josel Mateo

“Tallyson helped me when I was in a confusing position about where to go with my fitness journey. I had a poor relationship with food and lost love for powerlifting. He got me back on track and committed to a 7 month long weight loss where we went from 220lbs to 175lbs and the leanest and best shape I have ever been in my life. He taught me how to get back into routine from small or big slip ups here and there and we reverse dieted to increase my calories and metabolism to higher levels. I’m now 200lbs pounds months after ending coaching with Tallyson and still have visible abs and a much healthier body composition and relationship. I recommend Tally to anyone that needs guidance in working out, building a healthy relationship with food, or setting goals to lose body fat.”

John Kokkoros

"Eu simplesmente não acreditava que eu conseguiria ter os resultados que tive! Muita dedicação e o Tally me guiando sempre, me incentivando o máximo eu alcancei o que eu queria … academia, alimentação saudável e bons hábitos saudáveis, são hábitos que eu nunca quero parar! Eu ameeeei… obrigadaaaa Tallyyyy”

Andressa Rossini

“Eu fiz a acompanhamento com Tallyson 3 meses e tive um resultado de menos 20kg e fora o ganho de massa exorbitante, quando comecei com ele eu percebi que mudar o nosso corpo não é apenas fechar a boca e passar fome, ele realmente me ensinou que não precisamos sofrer pra ter resultado. Tallyson é um profissional que leva seu trabalho a sério ao ponto de qualquer hora se tiver dúvidas de alimentação ou de como malhar ele te responde na mesma hora mesmo estando ocupado. Agradeço muito por ter te conhecido, você é um excelente professional”

Artur Bayma

“My experience and time with coach Tally has been great and surpassed my expectations, I’ve lost over 25 pounds so far and couldn’t be happier with my results. He provided me with the right tools and knowledge during my fitness journey, if you’re looking to meet your fitness goals Tally is the guy!”

Jose Paulino

"Working with Tally was really eye opening because as a coach myself, he really held me accountable for the things I wasn’t doing to hold onto my part of the bargain. He helped me reach a goal weight and a lower bf% that I was struggling to break through for many months. Another thing he was great at doing was telling you the no bullshit excuses and to do your part as a client. Too many people want to hear the good things they’re doing and not enough can handle the bad habits they continue doing. He was great at cleaning and clearing that up. Taught me a few things I didn’t know with calorie counting as well as alternatives to progress throughout the week. He has helped me and will continue to make a change with others”

Rodrigo Aguirre


    Personal Training sessions are primarily done out of First Health Club located at 3135 Universal Dr Unit 1 in Mississauga

    First Health Apparel is a fitness brand of clothing and workout products. First Health Club is fitness facility. Both are located at 3135 Universal Dr Unit 1-2, Mississauga.

    I am partnered with them to be able to both train my clients and offer discounts on their apparel and workout products. 

    For more information about the gym, click the link below:


    To shop their fitness apparel, click the link below: 


    Use code “coachedby6ix” for 30% off

    Yes and no.

    This option is only possible if it fits with my current schedule at the time as preference is given to clients that have already paid me and have locked in their preferred day and time. Also, please be aware that you will be required to pay for my entrance fee if required by the facility.

    Contact will be through WhatsApp and/or email.

    For online coaching, no. Once the agreed upon date begins, the weeks start counting. So, please be sure of the start date. The personal training sessions have a validity of 4 months from the date of our first session.

    • Gym membership (highly recommended)
    • Food scale (mandatory)
    • Body scale (mandatory)
    • MyFitnessPal app or food tracking app of your choice

    This depends on your goal, what you are trying to achieve and how fully equipped your gym is. A lot can be accomplished through proper dieting, home workouts and aerobic activity. However, if you want to ensure maximal results, going to a gym is highly recommended.

    Each personal training sessions in 1 hour. If you need to cancel, please notify me as early as possible as I may be able to fit another client in that time slot.

    The session will be considered a no-show if you fail to let me know within reasonable time (3 hours prior to the session). 


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